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 GenCon et Malifaux

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4 participants
Cercle intérieur

Nombre de messages : 603
Age : 38
Localisation : Mignaloux-Beauvoir
Date d'inscription : 30/07/2009

GenCon et Malifaux Empty
MessageSujet: GenCon et Malifaux   GenCon et Malifaux Icon_minitimeSam 18 Sep - 12:29

Pour ceux qui ne trainent pas sur le forum officiel : photos en page 4

GenCon et Malifaux 103_0003GenCon et Malifaux 103_0004GenCon et Malifaux 103_0005GenCon et Malifaux 103_0006GenCon et Malifaux 103_0007GenCon et Malifaux 103_0008GenCon et Malifaux 103_0009GenCon et Malifaux 103_0010

J'ai du mal à comprendre en quoi Ash and Dust consiste, mais les autres promettent d'être jolis. J'aime beaucoup en particulier Kaeris, ses ailes mécaniques et ses mains en feux lui donnant un petit air de super-héroïne. Hoffman a un look totalement steampunk, et j'ai hâte de voir la tronche de son construct. Ça promet une belle équipe avec le Gardien de la Paix !
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Cercle intérieur

Nombre de messages : 1740
Age : 47
Localisation : si tu vois Mirebal, t'es pas loin...
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2007

GenCon et Malifaux Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GenCon et Malifaux   GenCon et Malifaux Icon_minitimeSam 18 Sep - 13:45

Quand je vois la tête du marionnettiste et des renforts neverborn, je me dis que j'ai bien fait de choisir cette faction ! Et puis ça me plait de jouer des démons tout vicieux ! ca donne envie de voir des photos de figs...
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Nombre de messages : 2818
Age : 43
Localisation : Vouillé
Date d'inscription : 01/11/2006

GenCon et Malifaux Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GenCon et Malifaux   GenCon et Malifaux Icon_minitimeSam 18 Sep - 20:54

J'avais posté sur le forum off' ces preview et cest vrai qu'elles mettent l'eau à la bouche quand même.

Bien entendu le dead rider est celui que j'attends mais les autres ne déméritent pas avec entre autre le marionnetiste et la boite des cauchemards; de même C. Hoffmann promet d'être drôle.
En conclusion, il faut vraiment Rising Power ^^
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Cercle intérieur

Nombre de messages : 962
Age : 35
Localisation : Poitiers
Date d'inscription : 05/11/2008

GenCon et Malifaux Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GenCon et Malifaux   GenCon et Malifaux Icon_minitimeDim 19 Sep - 17:53

moi le yéti Very Happy
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Cercle intérieur

Nombre de messages : 1740
Age : 47
Localisation : si tu vois Mirebal, t'es pas loin...
Date d'inscription : 04/02/2007

GenCon et Malifaux Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GenCon et Malifaux   GenCon et Malifaux Icon_minitimeLun 20 Sep - 22:28

Je cite ce que j'ai pu lire plus loin sur le même sujet, je ne détaillerai pas plus que ce qui est écrit ci dessous. Un seul mot me vient à l'esprit : ca va être énorme !

"Okay, on to some more cool stuff from Wyrd at GenCon.

1. I found this in another thread here, but just in case you haven't seen it, Puppet Wars is full steam ahead!

Click here to take a peek courtesy of the Bell of Lost Souls.

2. Expect an insanely delicious and exciting schedule of new mini releases over the next 12 months.

Speaking with Eric, he mentioned that Von Schill the new Outcast mercenary Henchman is expected to be released around October/November.

Ressurrectionists around the world will be crying and running the other way. He and his team are undead hunting masters and will put a major damper on their parties.

He's like Van Helsing/Blade on 'roids.

3. Speaking of new mini updates...

Today I scored an in person view of the new Neverborn "Coppellius" minion who was sitting on their painters (Who by the way is extremely talented!) table.

Plus I also spied at the very bottom of the Wyrd mini case, a painted "stitched together" minion.

He looks just like Mr. Oogey Boogeyman from the movie Nightmare before Christmas but with meat hooks for hands. Sadly no pics. =(

4. Gremlin fans are gonna go "hog wild" over all the new piggies and goodies they get.

Things like the Pigapult which allow you to launch piglets and gremlins all over the place with reckless abandon and deadly results.

Plus the new slop hauler which can help heal nearby friendly gremlins. Not to mention Ophelia who turns nearby gremlins into insanely scary and effective units.

5. Marcus fans will also not be disappointed as each faction (I believe) has at least 1 new minion with the beast classification.

For example:
- The guild have a new minion called the "Lawyer, secretary's aide" who has the beast classification.

- There are 3 new beasts found in the Resurrectionists section alone! They are (1) Night Terror, (2) the Shikome (which is like a Harpy from classical greek mythology), and (3) the Rogue Necromancy which is essentially an undead Chimera who costs 10SS and will rip your face off in the blink of an eye.

Those of you who run Marcus/Myranda are definitely gonna love book 2.

6. For Arcanist players are getting some very heavy (and much needed) firepower added to the force by way of the "Gunsmith".

Plus, thanks to a number of new minions and henchmen, you'll be able to create a whole slew of new soulstones while in game for your master to burn up and blow your opponent away from the table.

6a. Ramos players (like myself) are getting a brand new totem which I suspect will replace the Brass Arachnid as the "go to totem" b/c it makes Ramos exponentially better at casting ALL of his spells.


7. Hamelin gets a bunch of cool awesome stuff.

In case you haven't heard, Hamelin is now an outcast Master, although you are free to run him as either your master, or as a minion (using his book 1 rules).

Hamelin's totem (the Obedient Wretch) allows you to draw 1 control card a turn as a (1) action!

8. Now I know a lot of people are afraid that book 2 will replace or make book 1 masters/minions obsolete.

You'll be very glad to know that even with all the cool new stuff found in this new supplement, Masters and crews chosen entirely from book 1 are still viable and competitive.

For example, in the Last Scrap tourny, 1st and 2nd place were taken by Leviticus and Lilith respectively. With 3rd place going to Ophelia.

Sadly I finished middle of the pack due to an unhealthy amount of bad flips and bad control hands. Oh well, such is fate. Of course, there's always next year...

9. On a completely different note, I met a girl who was dressed up exactly like Colette and just as beautiful!

I did get a pic of her with my phone which I'll try and upload in the next few days if I can figure out how to do that when I get home.

The funny part was that she wasn't affiliated with Wyrd in any shape or form, she just enjoys dressing up in Victorian style outfits. Absolutely no complaints from me (or any of the 28,000 GenConers who saw her either)!

Okay, I'm gonna stop now b/c there's just too much to talk about and I feel like I've probably already said more than I should have.

Hopefully Nathan won't delete this post, and will forget who I am so I don't suffer any retaliation for reporting all this...

Essentially, if you enjoy playing malifaux and are looking to "kick it up a notch", you will not be disappointed with book 2 even though it's not mandatory in order to continue playing and enjoying the game.


P.S. It was great to meet all the Wyrd Henchmen and 'faux players alike at the Con. Hopefully I'll see you guys again next year.
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Nombre de messages : 2818
Age : 43
Localisation : Vouillé
Date d'inscription : 01/11/2006

GenCon et Malifaux Empty
MessageSujet: Re: GenCon et Malifaux   GenCon et Malifaux Icon_minitimeMar 21 Sep - 0:17

c'est clair qu'entre les photos et les avis enthousiaste des ricains ça en donne l'eau à la bouche.
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